However, when a tornado landed.. and there is no other way that you can
avoid it.. regardless of how much you tried to care for this tornado..
or even tried to stop it.. somehow.. it ruins every single piece of the
land that you worked so hard to build it.. yes.. it comes and it goes..
it might be there fore .. less than an hour.. .. but the ripple effect
of the tornado.. it will take days, months or even years to repair every
single piece of the puzzle.. and even if it can be repaired.. do you
possibly think.. it will still look like how it used to be ?? Well, I
know it sounds horrible.. but, really, to you, i mean, what does words
means right? But, do step back and think.. the ripple effect of that..
it will not fade away that easily wouldn't it..
有人说过, 沉默是金。。 是。。 至少沉默可以把伤害减为最低。。
有人说。。 脾气像是龙卷风,它来得快,去得也快。。 可,它所造成的伤害却不能用逗留的时间来衡量。。 是与否。。 就由您决定。。
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