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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

没关系--It is OK.. but is it??

Ya.. I am very used to saying this.. "I'm ok with it.. ".. but deep down.. am I really ok with it? or Am I just trying to convince myself to be ok with it?

I cam across with this song.. and somehow.. I can't stop listening to it.. At times, I do hope that it will not hurt much by saying "it is ok..".. although I might be able to convince others that I am ok with it.. but deep down inside.. I am just trying hard to pleased others.. trying to make them feel better.. without standing strong to my point.. I know well that they might not understand why I am "forcing" myself to take it that way.. but I know this move is for the better.. I am not sure if .. by chance.. anyone will get to know how much it takes to say "it is ok.. ".. and how long it took to be really okey with it.. but .. those who actually says it.. will know..

But I have to admit.. this is one great song.. and I do hope that you will enjoy the song as much as I enjoyed it..

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