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Saturday, June 6, 2009


Finally, I'll be having my holidays very soon.. I have been waiting for my holiday for so so long after my finals ended.. but.. the weird part is.. when it finally comes, I actually feel like going back to study.. maybe because I know I'll be having a really bored holidays or is it that.. when things becomes very stereotype I will start to feel bored and hope for something exciting to happen ?

But, it is very normal to hope for a holidays after you have been studying and having a really tiring days of assignments, works and stuff right? But right after you have your break for about 2 weeks.. will you start to feel bored and hope to actually go for class all over again? Try to imagine I having holidays of few months.. let me count.. from June up until end of Sept.. If you don't have any plans and just wake up sleep, sleep wake up and this is your daily routine.. I will eventually afraid of sleeping.. hahaha.. because I will definitely won't want to called as pig..

I will try to get a part time job. not now.. but soon.. after my stupid moral class ends.. which will end very soon from now.. then I'll head back to Melaka.. my home.. Well,I know a lot of people from my place actually have a one day trip to go KL just to shop.. but the weird part is.. even though I have been staying in KL for more than a year, i don shop in KL.. I will actually travel back to Melaka to shop.. funny right? is it I alone that do so?

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